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Unit 2: Civil Liberties & Rights

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 2: Civil Liberties & Rights"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 2: Civil Liberties & Rights
Ch. 4: Civil Liberties Ch. 5: Civil Rights & Equal Protection

2 What rights to we have? What rights don’t we have?
Speedy Trial Bear Arms What rights to we have? What rights don’t we have? No Cruel or Unusual Punishment Press Speech Assembly Religion

3 Our Civil Liberties Bill of Rights 1st Amendment: Freedom of Religion
-establishment clause -free exercise clause

4 Examples Pledge, “in God we trust”, Ten Commandments in courthouses
Creation v. Evolution Christmas programs Vouchers Lemon v. Kurtzman

5 Lemon v. Kurtzman Three part Lemon Test Secular purpose
Primary purpose cannot advance a particular religion Cannot show gov’t & church involvement

6 Exceptions 1. illegal substances/actions are still illegal OR v. Smith
2. actions are harmful to the “greater good” of the larger population

7 What about faith healing
What about faith healing? What if a parent chooses not to not to seek medical attention for their child and the child dies? Should the parents be held legally responsible or not?

8 1st Amendment: Freedom of Expression & Speech
Freedom of Expression is our highest right. Always have it except: Fighting words Heckler’s veto Slander Libel Clear & present danger Prior restraint (rare) Obscenity

9 Allowed but controversial forms of expression:
Hate Speech Commercial Speech Symbolic Speech (some)

10 1st Amendment: Freedom of the Press
Key Issues Libel Gag Order Confidentiality Films, Radio, TV

11 1st Amendment: Freedom of Assembly & Petition
Petition for change w/o limit Congress protected

12 4th, 5th, 6th, 8th Amendments: Rights of the Accused
Due Process Reasonable suspicion Attorney Exclusionary rule Arraignment

13 Court Cases Gideon v. Wainwright Miranda v. Arizona Mapp v. Ohio

14 Time limit on appeals (2 yrs)
Death Penalty Time limit on appeals (2 yrs) Racism Roper v. Simmons Ford v. Wainwright Atkins v. VA

15 9th Amendment: Privacy Information Sharing
Soc. Sec. #, bank #, profiling Abortion Roe v. Wade Stem Cell Research Right to Die Gonzales v. OR

16 14th Amendment Incorporation Theory

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