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Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Place your homework on your desk.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Place your homework on your desk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-Up: Take a ¼ sheet. Place your homework on your desk.
Read the following sentences. Use context clues to write definitions for each of the bold words. Although the temperature had probably dipped into the twenties since he’d begun the job, perspiration built under the stocking cap on his forehead and up and down his back. The job was tiresome and physically demanding, but he finished before it got dark. He took his boots off carefully, not wanting to endure the torture his father would invoke on him if he tracked snow inside the house.

2 Agenda Word Study Fluency (BW #4) Practice word definitions. Plot structure story. Grade 6: Read chapters 8 and 9. Practice summarizing. Grade 7: Read chapters 8 and 9. Practice summarizing. Grade 8: Read chapters 8 and 9. Practice summarizing.

3 Word Chunking Use the word chunking to break the following words apart: P E R S P I R A T I O N I N V O K E

4 Although the temperature had probably dipped into the twenties since he’d begun the job, perspiration built under the stocking cap on his forehead and up and down his back. The job was tiresome and physically demanding, but he finished before it got dark. Perspiration: sweat n.1610s, from French perspiration (1560s), noun of action from perspirer"perspire," from Latin perspirare "blow or breathe constantly," from per-"through" (see per) + spirare "to breathe, blow" (see spirit (n.)). Applied to excretion of invisible moistures through the skin (1620s), hence used as a euphemism for "sweat" from 1725.

5 He took his boots off carefully, not wanting to endure the torture his father would invoke on him if he tracked snow inside the house. Invoke: to cause or call upon ; < Latin invocāre, equivalent to in- in-2 + vocāre to call, akin to vōx voice

6 Fluency Billy Weadle, Excerpt #4 Date Title WPM Errors Expression
BW Pt 4

7 Vocabulary Conjure: Create Envisioning: Imagine Detached: separated Inflict: apply Dexterity: skill Phenomenon: strange or rare occurrence Inquisitiveness: curiosity Churned: to move in a violent, quick manner Perspiration: sweat Invoke: to cause or call upon

8 On the Record Read the assigned chapters.
Write summary statements on the Acrostic Activity sheet.

9 Closing Write the definitions of at least three of the following words: Conjure Envisioning Dexterity Invoke Perspiration

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