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Volcanoes Gateways to the Underworld.

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Presentation on theme: "Volcanoes Gateways to the Underworld."— Presentation transcript:

1 Volcanoes Gateways to the Underworld

2 Magma vs. Lava Magma- Molten rock underneath Earth’s surface → Intrusive Lava- Molten rock above Earth’s surface → Extrusive

3 Lava Flows The ability of lava to flow depends on its viscosity
The more viscous a substance is the slower it flows Water has low viscosity Honey has high viscosity The more silica the lava contains the greater its viscosity

4 Types of Lava/Magma Basaltic: Andesitic Rhyolitic
Low viscosity, low gas, low silica Andesitic Medium viscosity, medium gas, medium silica Rhyolitic high viscosity, high gas, high silica

5 Comparison between lava flows
Highly Viscous Flow -dome-like shape -travels little distance Andesitic flow Viscous Flow -thick flows -travels some distance Basaltic flow Fluid Flow -thin flows -travels great distance

6 Where Do Volcanoes Occur?
80% convergent boundaries –Ring of Fire 15% divergent boundaries – Midocean Ridge Hot Spots- Hot mantle rises toward Earth’s surface

7 Typical Volcano Crater Summit Vent Flank Vent Magma Chamber

8 Plutons Intrusive igneous rock bodies Cooled magma formations
Five different types Can be exposed on Earth’s surface

9 Batholiths and Stocks Batholiths- largest plutons
Course-grained igneous rocks, km2 Stocks- Irregularly shaped plutons, smaller than batholiths. Both cut across older rocks.

10 Laccoliths Laccoliths: mushroom-shaped pluton with round top and flat bottom Squeezes in between parallel layers of rock

11 Sills- flat pluton that squeezes in between parallel layers of rock
Sills and Dikes Sills- flat pluton that squeezes in between parallel layers of rock Dikes – cuts across pre-existing rocks by invading a cracks Coarse-grained What effects do you think these intrusions have on the surrounding rock? Cm to 100s m thick Coarse grained so how does that mean that they have cooled? Fast or slow?


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