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Invisible cities Parts 5 and 6.

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1 Invisible cities Parts 5 and 6

2 What I See Take out your What I See journal/list.
Look at the entries and star the ones that you still find interesting. In a few sentences, reflect on those. Turn to your neighbor and share the starred entries. Relate to your partner why these made your list. Discuss how your entries differ from one another.

3 Journal 3 “Perhaps I am afraid of losing Venice all at once, if I speak of it. Or perhaps, speaking of other cities, I have already lost it, little by little” (Calvino 87). Polo explains in this part that each city he has described has been Venice. He is afraid to lose his home, but feels he may have already. Can you relate to this, why or why not?

4 City Illustration You and your partner will pull the name of a city from today’s assigned reading. Using Marco Polo’s description as a basis for your ideas, create a poster that could serve as the artwork for a postcard advertising your city. On the back of the sheet, explain with quotes your decisions. This does not have to be in complete sentences, but it does need to be complete.

5 Esmerelda Phyllis Pyrrha Adelma Eudoxia Octavia Ersilia Baucis Leandra Melania

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