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Made by Brandon Laughland, Autumn Spoor, Andy Petty

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2 Made by Brandon Laughland, Autumn Spoor, Andy Petty
At Lincoln's Side John Hay's Civil War Correspondence and Selected Writings Made by Brandon Laughland, Autumn Spoor, Andy Petty

The devil is abroad, having great wrath. His daughter, the Hell-Cat [ MaryLincoln], sent Stackpole in to blackguard me about the feed of her horses. 100 She thinks there is cheating round the board and with that candor so charming in the young does not hesitate to say so. I declined opening communications on the subject. She is in "a state of mind" about the Steward's salary. There is no steward. MrsWatt has gone off and there is no locum tenens. 101 She thinks she will blackguard your angelic representative into giving it to her "which I dont think she'll do it, Hallelujah!" My horse trade has fallen through: the new horse though fine looking was vicious. So I took back the "near horse."

4 Who is the author : John Hay
Who is the intended audience : John G. Nicolay What was going on when the letter was written : Mary Lincoln thinks John Hay is messing around and cheating around. Mary Lincoln is abroad their ship. Is there bias in the letter : No, I could not find any bias in this letter. What do you think Mary Lincoln was thinking was happening around her? What do you think conditions were like by the way this letter is wrote?

There is positively nothing of the slightest interest since you left. The abomination of desolation has fallen upon this town. I find that I can put in twenty four hours out of every day very easily, in the present state of affairs, at the Executive Mansion. The crowd continually increases instead of diminishing. The Tax business has begun to grind. Chase is having things very much his own way. He makes out a batch of twenty or thirty commissions at a time filling in the names & presenting them to the President to sign.

6 Who is the author : John Hay
Who is the intended audience : John G. Nicolay What was going on when the letter was written : things are very busy at the Executive Mansion with the crowd increasing and lots of paper work to go trough Is there bias in the letter : there wasn’t any bias that I could find in this letter What do you think what was happening at the Executive Mansion when this letter was written? Why do you think the crowd was increasing at the Executive Mansion?

I started for Port Royal a week ago, but finding myself a little sick when I arrived at New York I thought it would be more prudent to return to Washington and make repairs before setting out. 15 I am now getting quite well again and will soon make a fresh start to visit Charlie. I have a great deal to talk to him about and cannot of course write many things that I want to say. We hear rumours here of disaster to the colored troops. I am in hopes they may turn out to be untrue. I shall take a careful and deliberate survey of matters in the Department and can then understandingly advise Charlie for his own good.

8 MRS. CHARLES HAY Who is the author : John Hay
Who is the intended audience : Mrs. Charles Hay What was going on when the letter was written : there were rumors that there was a disaster to the colored troops. Is there bias in the letter : yes, he hopes the rumors of the colored troops turn out to be untrue. What do you think the disaster was to the colored troops? Why do you think he wants them to be untrue?

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