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Exponential Functions

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1 Exponential Functions
Coordinate Algebra Unit 3 01/14/2013

2 Warm up: Monday, 1/14/2013 In their Interactive Notebooks, students will create a Thinking map – Circle Map Topic: Exponential functions 01/14/2013

3 Standard(s) & Essential Questions:
MCC912.F.IF.7e: Graph exponential and logarithmic functions, showing intercepts and end behavior, and trigonometric functions, showing period, midline, and amplitude. EQ: How do I identify the x-intercept, y-intercept and the asymptote of an exponential function? 01/14/2013

4 Do you see a pattern? Looking at the table, where is the y – intercept and the x – intercept? 01/14/2013

5 01/14/2013

6 Answer the following questions:
Where does the graph of y = 2x cross the y-axis? That is, find the y- intercept. Where does the graph of y = 2x cross the x-axis? That is, find the x- intercept(s). Note: The function has a solution when its graph crosses the x- axis. What is the rate of change over the interval [0,16] State the Domain State the Range 01/14/2013

7 Asymptote: Define: a line that a graph approaches more and more closely as it move toward infinity, but it never touches that line. 01/14/2013

8 Work Period: Students will work in pairs to graph the following functions and identify the x-intercepts, y-intercepts, and asymptote. Then state the domain and range. f(x) = 4x f(x) = 2x – 1 f(x) = -3(2x) + 5 f(x) = (½)x 01/14/2013

9 Closing: Learning Frame
Students will write a summarize of what they have learned during today’s task by explaining in their own words what each of these terms (x-intercept, y-intercept, asymptote, domain and range) mean and how they are identified by looking a the graph of and exponential function. Today, I learned about ________________________ with my class. The first thing we learned was ________________________________________________. Next, _______________________________________________________. Then, _______________________________________________________. After that, ___________________________________________________. I also learned that ______________________________________________. The next time we study _______________________, I want to learn more about _____________________________________________________________ . 01/14/2013

10 Homework: Graph each of the following exponential function on the same coordinate plane and identify the changes you observe in each graph. Use a different color for each function and label: f(x) = 2x g(x) = 2x + 1 h(x) = 2x – 3 01/14/2013

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