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Contents Overview: The Mission Enrolment and graduation history

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2 Contents Overview: The Mission Enrolment and graduation history
The facility Registration The staff of Aster Partners of the mission Challenges

3 1. The Mission Aster Mission School is a Christian Ministry whose purpose is to: Make Jesus Christ know to children who reside in areas that the Lord Jesus Christ has shown to us as our Mission base. These are mainly informal settlements and rural areas. Provide Christian based, Quality education from Grade RRR to Grade 12, to children in informal settlements and rural areas (particularly the poor and needy). Aster started its operation in 2011 at the Holfontein Informal Settlement. Between 2011 and 2013 we offered meals only (daily - weekdays). In 2014 we introduced formal education via Accelerated Education Enterprises (AEE) – then known as ACE (Accelerated Christian Education). Aster provides two meals per day (breakfast and lunch) Our first graduation was held in December 2015.

4 2. Enrolment and Graduations
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Enrolment 29 34 25 28 Graduation No Graduation. We had a trip to Umuzi Lake as Year end Function: Upcoming Grade R graduates None 6 4 7 TBC

5 3. The Facility 2011 to mid 2016: We operated at the Holfontein Farm in the church building Mid-2016: There was a major move where the settlement was moved from Holfontein to Syferfontein. This move was the most trying time of Aster’s journey. Operation ceased for about a month whilst we were trying to build again. Most of our building material and school belongings was either lost or damaged with the move.

6 3. The Facility: Holfontein
This is how our facility looked like before the move from Holfontein to Syferfontein

7 3. The Facility: Syferfontein
After the move 2018

8 4. Registration The following registrations/applications have been completed: November 2016 – Non Profit Company (NPC) registration July 2018 – SARS Tax exemption (PBO) August 2018 – ECD center registration for 0 to 4 year olds (Department of Social Development) Next registration milestones: Grade R: 2019 Grade 1: 2020

9 5. The staff of Aster Aster currently has four staff members from the community: Sister Jeanet Tshabalala – Principal and Grade R teacher Sister Sheillah Nzimande – Grade RR teacher Sister Quiteria Meleko – Grade RRR care giver and cooking Sister Dimpho Tshabalala – Grade RRR care giver and cooking

10 6. Partners of Aster Aster currently has seven monthly Partners who partner financially. Funds received from Partners are distributed as follows: 10% - Tithe 80% - salaries 10% - Groceries In addition, our partners assist to prepare for and contribute towards the graduation ceremonies. Our partners also give their time and skills towards the operation of Aster.

11 6. Challenges Commitment from the Parents.
The nature of the settlement is that some families are on the “move”. As a result, some of the children never get to see a complete year through. Completing the building.

12 Thank You!

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