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My Story Erin Fischer.

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1 My Story Erin Fischer


3 “Do Something Today That Your Future Self Will Thank You For Later”

4 Involvement In FBLA Activities
In the eighth grade, I decided to take a step in my life and join FBLA. At my first state conference, I placed 4th on the test FBLA Principals and Procedures.

5 During my freshman year, I decided to run for an FBLA office to fill sophomore year of high school. I was elected Fundraising Assistant and served my term and was reelected to the office for my junior year of high school.

6 During my sophomore year of FBLA, I placed third at state in Public Speaking I. This qualified me to compete at the National Leadership Convection which was held in Chicago, IL.

7 This year I will finish my America level of BAA which allows me to attend the National Leadership Conference in Atlanta, Georgia with my chapter.


9 “Strive for Progress, Not Perfection”

10 What FBLA Has Done For Me
You may ask yourself, how can incorporating FBLA skills into your lifestyle better you for the future. In three simple points I will state why I believe FBLA is beneficial to success. FBLA has taught me how to connect with people. You need to be sociable in the working world. Networking is a huge part of the business world. Without FBLA and BAA I wouldn’t have much sense on how to communicate or compete through technology. The next step I would like to discuss is how FBLA has better helped me with my resume. In order to sell yourself while applying for a job, you need to have an organized and accurate resume to back you up. FBLA has taught me the appropriate way to answer questions in an interview. This is important in getting a jump start into the occupation you want to succeed in. The final step I would like to discuss is how FBLA has helped me to better myself to become an extrovert. FBLA is a wonderful way to meet friends from far and near. Some of my greatest friends have come into my life through this club. FBLA is an enjoyable activity to be involved in and it’s even better when you have great friends by your side to interact with along the way. This is just a few of the many things FBLA has done for me throughout just the short few years I have been active. If you are debating on joining FBLA, don’t think twice. Join FBLA because it will be a great jump start down a road to success for you in the future.

11 Interview with Mrs. Pearce
(Q) How long have you been an FBLA advisor? 28 years (Q) How is FBLA rewarding to you? I enjoy seeing the growth in members from when they join FBLA until they graduate. (Q) How long have you been a business teacher? 30 years (Q) How many years has Larimore been a gold chapter? (Q) What is your favorite thing about FBLA? I enjoy working with members and getting to know them on a personal level.

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