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Grammar Review Game 4th Grade.

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Presentation on theme: "Grammar Review Game 4th Grade."— Presentation transcript:

1 Grammar Review Game 4th Grade

2 The person place or thing talked about in the sentence is called the _____________.
Ex: Johnny walked the dog.


4 A general NON-specific noun for a person, place, or thing is called a _________________.
Ex. teacher, principals, countries

5 Common noun!

6 One noun showing ownership over something(s) is called a ___________
Ex. The student’s backpack was stuck in the locker.

7 Singular possessive noun!

8 Two or more nouns showing ownership over something with an apostrophe after the s are called _______________________. Ex. The students’ gold slip made their teacher proud.

9 Plural possessive nouns!

10 A word that tells something about the sentence (usually the action in the sentence) is called the ______________. Ex. Shari jumped on the trampoline.

11 Predicate!

12 Words that are used in place of nouns are called ________________.
Ex. Shari and I jumped on the trampoline.

13 Personal pronouns

14 The noun or pronoun that completes the action of the verb is called the _______________________.
Ex. Caroline fed the cat.

15 Direct object!

16 What is the underline word in this sentence?
Carol ate the pizza.

17 Direct object

18 What is the underlined word in this sentence?
Sandra ate tons of cookies.

19 Subject

20 The dancer’s body was very flexible.

21 Singular possessive noun

22 Frederick bounced on the pogo stick.

23 predicate

24 Mr. Sanchez erased the board.

25 Trick questions! You could either say proper noun OR subject of the sentence.

26 The teachers’ jerseys were all the same.

27 Plural possessive noun

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