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2 History Timeline

3 CHRONOLOGY Lustrum Decade Century 5 Years 10 years 100 years

4 Prehistory

5 Objectives Recognise the evolution of the human species.
Identify the social, economic and cultural characteristics of the Paleolithic communities. Organise the main periods of Prehistory in chronological order.

Gorillas, chimpanzees and human beings belong to a group of mammals called primates. Thet descend from a common ancestor.

7 Hominisation Refers to the series of changes that occurred in some ancient primates and led to the appearance of modern humans. This process took millions of years and they became Homo Sapiens.


9 First Humans

10 Prehistory Is the beginning of the history of the human race.
It began with the apperance of the first human beings and ended with the discovery of writing bc. Is divided into:

11 According to the technological advances:
Paleolithic Neolithic Bronze and Iron Ages.

12 Paleolithic Age Hunters and Gatherers They have stone instruments
Nomads (they moved from one place to another). Took shelter in huts (made from skins and branches) and caves Simple social organisation. Clans (around 10 people), Tribes (various clans with common ancestors).

13 Paleolithic Religion: They worshipped the natural elements .
Examples: Rain, thunder, lightning, etc. Practised rituals to promote fertility and help them in hunting.

14 Art Cave paintings Portable art such as venus figurines.
Ornaments and amulets and engraving.

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