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Tectonics by Number.

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Presentation on theme: "Tectonics by Number."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tectonics by Number

2 Can you work out what each number has to do with what we have learnt in tectonics so far.

3 7 The number of continents.

4 20-30 The depth of the crust.

5 Number of plate boundaries we have looked at.
4 Number of plate boundaries we have looked at.

6 The number of layers in planet earth.
4 The number of layers in planet earth.

7 1800 The depth of the mantle.

8 Giant landmass called Pangaea.

9 The depth of the inner core.
750 The depth of the inner core.

10 The temperature of the inner core.
6,000+ The temperature of the inner core.

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