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AGENDA How can I use semi-colons? -WN quickwrite—COLORS

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Presentation on theme: "AGENDA How can I use semi-colons? -WN quickwrite—COLORS"— Presentation transcript:

1 AGENDA How can I use semi-colons? -WN quickwrite—COLORS
-Semi-Colons Mentor Sentences -Mentor Text: semi-colons -Semi-Colons rules, examples. -Semi-Colons write. -Closing: shares.

2 WHAT WILL I LEARN TODAY? How can I use semi-colons? 

3 Do a writer’s notebook response to the word, “COLOR” or “COLORS”

Look at the three mentor sentences—how are they using the semi-colon?? SEMI-COLON INTRODUCTION….

5 MENTOR TEXT Excerpts from Little Bee and The Book Thief
Read the text, annotate things that strike you…do they use any semi-colons??

6 SEMI-COLONS On your handout fill in the appropriate lines based on the powerpoint.

7 SEMI-COLONS: what’s wrong
What is wrong with this sentence? Creative writing takes great grammar skills, you want to show good syntax! It is a comma splice! Comma splice is when you smash two independent clauses together. No-No!


9 ; SEMI-COLON EQUATION . . Complete Sentence Complete Sentence
, FANBOYS Realize, you can also combine two complete sentences with a comma/FANBOYS. Or, you should use a period. .

10 SEMI-COLONS: rule #1 Semi-Colons RULE #1:
Can be used to fix comma splices. 2. Combine two related sentences together to create style and length. 3. Both sentences have to be complete! Could use a semi-colon in place of “and”, which is a FANBOYS.

11 SEMI-COLONS: rule #2 Semi-Colons RULE #2: 1. Semi-colons can NOT be used with an AAAWWWUBBIS phrase or DEPENDENT clause or INCOMPLETE sentence. Example: Whenever I watch this movie; I cry. WRONG!

12 REPLACEMENT TEST One way to test your semi-colon is the “replacement” test. Can you take out the semi-colon and put a period instead—would it still flow? Example: The new book shelves were finally up; brown and wooden. The new book shelves were finally up. Brown and wooden. —No!

13 REPLACEMENT TEST One way to test your semi-colon is the “replacement” test. Can you take out the semi-colon and put a period instead—would it still flow? Example: One of my favorite colors is sliver; it looks great with black. One of my favorite colors is sliver. It looks great with black. YES!!

14 SENTENCE CHECK Look at the sentences that correlates to your table number. Identify if it is correct or not and state WHY. Share with your table mates.

15 Funny Aid…

16 SENTENCE CHECK Example: Which is incorrect? Circle or highlight them and tell me why. Until I have my grammar skills down; I won’t be a great writer. Incorrect—Until is an AWUBS, incomplete This book, Little Bee, was one of my favorite; I could not put it down. Correct, both sentences are complete. Death is an interesting character; in Zusak’s novel. Incorrect, “in Zusak’s novel” is not a complete sentence! Although I love using AWUBS sentences, semi-colons sentences are even better; they look more sophisticated. Correct—this is super grammar!

17 SUPER-GRAMMAR! Since everyone is different, it makes sense we would all have a different color for our personality; mine would have to be orange or green. This is okay—the semi-colon is after the complete AWUBS sentence. This is really cool to use in thesis statements, or to make long complex sentences Example: Although school searches may invade a students’ privacy, it is necessary to protect the whole student body; school searches should be allowed in public schools.

18 SEMI-COLONS Examples:
I like to eat out. Chili’s is one of the best restaurants in town. I like to eat out; Chili’s is one of the best restaurants in town. NO-I like to eat; sports are important for school. Make your own on lines 1 and 2.

19 WRITING Now it is your turn. Use two semi-colons in your response.
Also, try mixing other grammar in there as well, but follow the rules!! Pick one of the prompts/subjects…

20 CLOSING Turn to the “closing question” section and write down three rules for the semi-colon you know based on today’s discussion.

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