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Curved Mirrors.

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Presentation on theme: "Curved Mirrors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Curved Mirrors

2 Goal of the class To understand ray diagrams and how curved mirrors work. Question of the Day: How is the focal point related to the curvature? Previous Answer: No previous questions Previous question: What is infrasonic sound?

3 Types of Images Real – image appears in front of the mirror (could be projected onto a screen) Virtual – image appears behind the mirror Design and build a periscope, Using a laser to measure sugar / salt concentrations, Measuring the data track separation of a music cd Dampening sound waves for sound insulation buy layering.

4 Size Enlarged – image is larger than object
Reduced – image is smaller than object Same – image and object are same size

5 Attitude Upright – image is right-side up
Inverted – image is upside-down Laterally inverted – image is flipped horizontally

6 Curved Mirrors

7 Concave Mirrors

8 Concave Mirrors

9 Terminology Focal point (F) – where the light rays meet
Vertex – the middle point of the curved mirror Focal length (f) – the distance between focal point and focal length

10 Ray Diagrams Ray 1 – travels parallel to the principal axis and reflects through the focal point (F).

11 Ray Diagrams Ray 2 – travels through the focal point and reflects parallel to the principal axis.

12 Ray Diagrams The point where the rays converge is the location of the image

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