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Welcome to Mrs. Sesto’s Pre-K4 Classroom

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1 Welcome to Mrs. Sesto’s Pre-K4 Classroom

2 Classroom Expectations
We always speak to one another with kindness and respect. We participate in prayer, pledge and all classroom group activities. We clean up after ourselves. We take responsibility for our personal belongings. We have independent skills: toileting, hygiene (washing our hands, wiping our nose and face) and eating appropriately. Consistency + love + respect = happy and busy learners!

3 Drop Off Drop off between 8:00-8:15a.m. Please park on the garden side of the parking lot and walk your child around to the Gym and down to our classroom. Your child should place their backpacks, lunch box and coat into their cubby and then enter the classroom. If there is any paperwork or notes for me please have your child remove from their backpack and hand to me. Your child should find their star with their name on it and move it from the Home to School side. This is where you should say your goodbyes and have your child enter the large room on their own.

4 Daily Schedule Prayer and Pledge
Morning meeting (calendar, weather, story) Bathroom Snack/Clean-up Centers/Small Group Work Clean-up/Bathroom Recess/Lunch Bathroom/Rest Time Centers/Small Group Work/Music Movement Pack-up/Prayer/Dismissal

5 Specials Monday – Gym, Please wear gym uniform and sneakers
Friday – Library with Mrs. Cashman Unfortunately, we can’t change these days due to other scheduling needs.

6 Homework The homework will be sent home on Mondays in the homework folder (or the first day of the school week) please return by Friday of that week. If you have an extremely busy week and can’t return the homework until the following Monday that is fine. Please have your child use pencil when writing their name and letters. Please have them color the pictures on the homework. Please have your child use the nametag that has been provided when writing their name – first letter of name is uppercase and all other letters lowercase. On the last page of the homework you may have your child draw pictures to go with the letter or you can assist them in cutting out pictures from a magazine and glue the pictures on the last page. Homework is not meant to be a struggle, but a foundation for lifelong learning as well as a reinforcement of class work.

7 Other Items Please write your child’s name on all his/her personal items Please send your child with a full change of clothes (this should remain in their cubby). Please send your child with a spoon or fork if they will need one for their lunch. Children may bring a small rest friend, a travel size pillow and one small blanket with them for rest time. All items should be in a 15x15 size zip lock bag and must fit in their cubby. Please keep in mind that soon we will be placing coats in the cubbies as well as backpacks and rest time items. Conferences will be December 9th. Please sign up tonight for a conference time.

8 Catholic Social Teaching
In Pre-K4 we will: Treat others the way we want to be treated Value the rights and opinions of others Be kind and care for all of God’s creations

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