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Colonization of Latin America

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Presentation on theme: "Colonization of Latin America"— Presentation transcript:

1 Colonization of Latin America
European Settlement in South America Settlement Line of Demarcation Treaty of Tordesillas (1494) Conflicts over Settlements

2 Colonization of Latin America
Ruling Distant Settlements Attempts at Direct Rule Impractical Management issues Portuguese Rule in the New World Donatarios

3 Colonization of Latin America
Ruling Distant Settlements Spanish Authority in the New World Viceroys

4 Colonization of Latin America
Developing the Colonies Treatment of the Native Population Many were enslaved Treatment generally poor Limiting the Control of the Roman Church Church gained more loyalty Jesuits

5 Colonization of Latin America
Developing the Colonies Bringing African Slaves into Latin America Native population had been decimated Millions of slaves were brought in Developing Natural Resources Exports Land

6 Colonization of Latin America
Living in the Colonies Living in the City Wealthy tended to live in the central city Barrios: Neighborhoods of the poor Living in the Country Haciendas: Large country estates Most people did not own land

7 Colonization of North America
Patterns of Immigration The French in the Far North Cartier Champlain A New World for the English Jamestown settlement Pilgrims at Plymouth

8 Colonization of North America
Religion and Education Religion in North America Pilgrims: Plymouth Puritans: Massachusetts Bay Colony Established churches Roman Catholic throughout French and Spanish colonies

9 Colonization of North America
Religion and Education Education in the New World Considered important in English colonies Less important where Roman Catholic church was strong

10 Struggle for Independence
North America Ruling the Colonies English colonists often had self-rule French colonists had little say in government Independence in the Colonies American War for Independence Constitution

11 Struggle for Independence
Latin America Discontentment in the Spanish Colonies Control exerted by the mother country Limitations on trade

12 Struggle for Independence
Latin America Leaders of the Movement for Independence Simón Bolivar José de San Martin Antonio José de Sucre

13 Struggle for Independence
Latin America Independence in Brazil Portuguese royalty comes to Brazil Pedro I

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