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PLCs at CHS Late start Wednesdays.

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Presentation on theme: "PLCs at CHS Late start Wednesdays."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLCs at CHS Late start Wednesdays

2 Why PLCs? We must shift our focus from teaching to student learning.
The following questions will guide everything we do in our PLC’s: What do we want students to learn? How do we know when they have learned it? What do we do when they haven't learned it?

3 Why PLC’s? Why do we exist as a collaborative team?
What commitments are we willing to make to accomplish this? To improve student learning through the development, implementation, and analyzation of common formative assessments. ???

4 The ultimate goal for a Wednesday morning:
Plan Do Study Act

5 Our deal with you: We will not ask you to work on this outside of PLC time. In return, we ask that we commit to utilizing this time for its purpose. You will have a set agenda. You will keep minutes. Your minutes will be turned in every week.

6 Step 1: establishing norms for our PLC
Non-negotiable: Meetings will start at 7:35 and end at 8:20. All members will come prepared and participate. We will make decisions based on data.

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