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Space… no not outer space

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Presentation on theme: "Space… no not outer space"— Presentation transcript:

1 Space… no not outer space

2 SPACE The gap between two objects
As geographers we observe that space and notice things about how the objects are distributed across that space. Then we try to understand why they are that way The arrangement of a feature in space is known as distribution 3 types of distribution: density, concentration, pattern

3 Density density Number of feature Land area
Frequency with which something occurs in space. density Number of feature Land area

4 India =390 per sq km Bahrain = 1857 per sq km
More people, but more land Bahrain = 1857 per sq km Less people, less land India’s pop about 1, 281, 935, 911 (2017) land 3,287,263 sq km Bahrain pop 1,410,942 (2017) land 760 sq km

5 Concentration Close together or apart Clustered or dispersed


7 Pattern Geometric arrangements of objects
Sometimes they are organized, other times irregular



10 Gendered Spaces

11 Gendered Spaces What are they? Do they exist anymore?

12 Diffusion

13 Diffusion The process by which a characteristic spreads across space from one place to another

14 Relocation Diffusion

15 Spreading by an additive process
Expansion Diffusion Hierarchical Contagious Stimulus Spreading by an additive process

16 Hierarchical 1 2 3

17 Contagious

18 Stimulus


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