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By Chandler Owen Bionic Mechanical Arm.

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Presentation on theme: "By Chandler Owen Bionic Mechanical Arm."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Chandler Owen Bionic Mechanical Arm

2 Learning of Bio Mechanics
The Intro of making a great robot arm.

3 Learning how a Arm Works
We know an arm works especially a robot one.

4 Learning This describes the difference the differences and similarities of a regular arm and a robot arm.

5 The Parts This describes the main part of the arm, the actuator.

6 The Parts The gripping device or the hand, most carry loads and not fail, the end effector.

7 The Part The material is most important to the design, if it is not strong, then the arm will break.

8 A Basis For an example, the program gave me a basic design to work with so I could understand and practice the program so I can make decisions.

9 The Actuator For my arm, I chose air muscles to be strong and reliable in the field. This was a cost medium choice to the other choices.

10 The Hand Since the human hand is an almost perfect tool, that I chose a human model hand to pick up complex objects that will not drop out of the hand.

11 The Material The material I chose was titanium because it is light weight and strong in the real world. This should enhance my design.

12 The Inventory This shows the choices I made for my incredible design.

13 Testing Inventory This shows me the challenges that my arm will have to face the future of the testing.

14 The Results of Test 1 As you can see here, is that the green means it touches those areas, and the red means it didn’t make the touch to the square. My arm touched all of the squares for a perfect score.

15 Test 2 The arm placed a brick in the wall.

16 The result of Test 2 This test wanted your arm to put a brick in a place of the wall. My arm performed perfectly with this score with the complexity of the hands that I chose.

17 The results of Test 3 The goal was to lift heavier stuff as you go along. The result is that the arm lifted everything except for the 10 kg brick which was the heaviest.

18 The Final Test Result The Final test was that it builds a 4x3 wall without a problem. This test was the longest and most boring, however the arm got a perfect score for the building a wall.

19 The Ending/Summary results
As you can see, I had one mishap, which was not a big problem, however the arm preformed with flying colors in testing and stress on the arm. This is a successful test where there was no consistent failures in the tests, the grade is that if get more than 2 imperfections, then it is a fail, my was a ½ of fails, so it is successful.

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