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MUTATIONS Stumpy Video.

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Presentation on theme: "MUTATIONS Stumpy Video."— Presentation transcript:

1 MUTATIONS Stumpy Video

2 So what happened to Stumpy?

3 So then what happened? What are possible causes of this?

4 Are all Stumpy’s cells affected?
Possible scenario #1: DNA was miscopied when his parents gametes were formed = all cells in the body have this mutation Possible scenario #2: When he was developing, DNA was miscopied in the stem cells (unspecialized cells) that became legs = only those cells have the mutation Answer = We don’t know! How could we find out?

5 Types of DNA mutations:
Single gene mutations Only affects a single gene Also called point mutations Chromosomal mutations Affects multiple genes at a time

6 Single Gene / Point Mutations:
Example 1 – What happens? T C A G T C A T C A G C  T A G T C A T C A G C Deletion – all bases shift left/back after mutation Example 2 – What happens? T C A G T C A T C A G C  T C C A G T C A T C A G C Addition – all bases shift right/forward after the mutation Example 3 – What happens? T C A G T C A T C A G C  T A A G T C A T C A G C Substitution – only one codon affected

7 Chromosomal Mutations:
Deletion Addition Inversion Translocation

8 Other DNA / Chromosomal abnormalities?
Fertilized egg partially splits in utero or twins cells fuse in utero = conjoined twins Extra or missing chromosomes can result in disorders –Downs syndrome, Turners syndrome, Klinefelter's syndrome… ***We can discuss these during our genetics unit***

9 What are some DNA mutations in humans?
Sickle Cell Anemia video Caused by only one base pair substitution Albinos Cause by a mutation in one of a few genes that are know to produce melanin Why is the albino trait more common in humans or pets than in wild animals

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