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Marine Science 20 February 2019.

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1 Marine Science 20 February 2019

2 Announcements Deficiency notices are due by this afternoon
Assignments handed in by computer are graded first Yes, I am still grading/inserting paper assignments so they will be in the system by the end of the day If you need a retake, a discussion reopened, etc., please say something so I can give it to you now and try to get it in the system before I turn in deficiencies

3 Vocabulary Taxonomy Porifera Ostia/osculum Porocyte cell
Choanocyte cell Amoebocyte cell

4 Taxonomy This is the classification of all living things (agreed upon by the scientific community) There are seven different levels in taxonomy, each more specific than the one before: Kingdom  Animal, Plant, Protista, Fungi and Monera Phylum  Cnidaria, Cordates Class  Mammals, reptiles, fish Order Family Genus Species  most-specific of the classifications

5 Taxonomy Example

6 Sponges While these creatures are incapable of movement and lack a central nervous system, they have two main similarities to humans: They have specialized cells to carry out different functions They are omnivorous Their classification is Porifera Literally translates to “pore-bearer”

7 Sponges Ostia: The actual pores/holes on the surface of the sponge
Porocytes: These are the individual cells that make up the pores of the sponge

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