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Writing a Thesis Statement

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1 Writing a Thesis Statement

2 Subject + Opinion = Thesis statement

3 The higher level topic of your case (race, gender, class, etc.)
“Subject” The higher level topic of your case (race, gender, class, etc.)

4 “OPINIONS” your thoughts about how race, gender class, etc. affected the outcome of your case.

5 Putting it Together Using all of the elements in the word equation, write a thesis statement illustrating your opinion about what role “race” played in the outcome of your case.

6 Example Thesis Statement
Subject: Dred Scott v Sanford (race) + Opinion: meaningful, crucial = Thesis Statement

7 Examples Thesis Statement:
In the case Dred Scott v Sanford (1857), the U.S. Supreme Court makes a meaningful and crucial statement with the verdict that all black people classify as property.

8 On your own Where do you go from here?
Decide on and write down the subject. What is your opinion of the case you selected? If the idea/opinion is too difficult or uninteresting to you, you still have to choose an opinion.  Now write your sentence.

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