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Investigating a Community

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1 Investigating a Community
ENG 4U Investigating the media Ms. DeJong

2 A CASE STUDY Who are the members of this group?
What is a “normal” thing for people in this group to do or say? What is “unusual” for people in this group to do or say? What actions would get you praise in this group? What actions would make others angry at you in this group? Imagine scientists (anthropologist – study cultures of diff communities) are coming to investigate our school. Think about a group of people or a recurring time and place where there are people throughout in the school. Lets use the scientists questions to examine how people in a group behave. i.e. cafeteria 1. students eating in caf 2. Buy food, eat their lunch, sit with friends, share funny things or text on their phones with others 3. Something that could be done that is odd i.e. sitting at a table that you know nobody at? 4. Buying someone lunch, helping others pick up stuff they drop, telling jokes, allowing someone ahead of u in line, picking up garbage left behind 5. Cutting others in line, heating up weird-smelling food, eating others lunch without asking

3 How should we define community?
Can there be different types? How should we define community? Think pair share - friendship, kinship (i.e. family, family friends), geographic (proximity of location), interest (i.e. common interest-jobs, hobby) etc.

4 Taking Community Inventory

5 Some definitions Culture – the social norms & values of a community
Social norm - what is considered to be expected/normal and abnormal behaviour in a culture Values – what a culture considers to be important, and/or right from wrong Can u think of an instance where social norms act as rules? What about the opposite? - Driving 10-15km/h above speed limit on the highway

6 Social Norms in Society
Examples: Seinfeld Friends Eye contact Keeping thoughts to oneself Personal space (bus, gym, etc.) Public etiquette (litter, poop, nose-picking, library) Others? Eye contact - normal in westernized culture to do so while talking to others HOWEVER in other countries this may be considered disrespectful! - middle eastern cultures it is less common, if you make it a lot with men it is considered as romantic interest, asian countries like China & Japan not essential and should not make eye contact with superiors (i.e. s to t), in some african and latin american cultures it is considered aggressive or disrepspectful Not double dipping chips Not speaking all of your thoughts aloud (i.e. commentary on others appearance etc) Respecting personal space - sit on city bus (even though there are a million other spots), taking the treadmill right next to someone with a million others open City bus (giving up seat for older ppl or pregnant woman) Littering, picking your nose, not picking up dog poop,

7 How might we contrast these communities to those found online?
T/F – its possible to have a community whose members are not in the same place … is the whole internet a community? Are facebook, instagram, snapchat communities?

8 Characteristics of an Online Community
A “public” space where interaction between people can be observed by others Persistent – it will still be present when you leave & return back People within, form personal relationships UNIQUE to the space

9 Taking Online Community Inventory

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