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Remembering 9/11.

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1 Remembering 9/11

2 9/11/01 19 Terrorists hijacked four planes. The intended targets were:
Twin Towers (North and South) The Pentagon Washington D.C. Three of the four targets were hit, Washington D.C. was not.

3 Who? Al Qaeda is the terrorist group associated with the attacks
The 19 hijackers were composed of; The first hijackers to arrive in the United States were Khalid al-Mihdhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi, who settled in the San Diego area in January They were followed by three hijacker-pilots, Mohamed Atta, Marwan al-Shehhi, and Ziad Jarrah early in the summer of 2000 to undertake flight training in south Florida. The fourth hijacker-pilot, Hani Hanjour, arrived in San Diego in December The rest of the "muscle hijackers" arrived in the spring and early summer of 2001.

4 Airplanes American Airlines Flight 11 United Airlines Flight 175
Departure: Boston, MA Destination: Los Angles, CA United Airlines Flight 175 American Airlines Flight 77 Departure: Dulles, VA United Airlines Flight 93 Departure: Newark, NJ Destination: San Francisco, CA

5 Timeline 8:20am: Flight 11 declared hijacked
8:46am: Flight 11 crashes into North Tower 8:50am: Flight 77 is hijacked 8:55: President George W. Bush is alerted. The President is at Emma E. Booker Elementary School in Sarasota, Florida

6 Timeline 9:02am: Flight 175 crashes into the South Tower. Broadcasted on live television. 9:08am: FAA grounds all planes. 9:28am: Flight 93 is hijacked. 9:37am: Flight 77 crashes into the Westside of The Pentagon. 9:43am: The White House is evacuated. 9:59am: The South Tower collapses.

7 Timeline 10:02am: The Sears Tower in Chicago is evacuated.
10:03am: Flight 93 crashes in Somerset County, PA. Passengers overthrew the terrorists and crash the plane before it hits Washington D.C., its intended target. 10:28am: The North Tower collapses. 5:20pm: 7 World Trade Center collapses.

8 Camera That Captured the First Plane









17 The Aftermath Heightened security at airports and various mass transit locations. The Patriot Act Homeland Security War On Terrorism Surge in military enrollment

18 Death of Osama Bin Laden
Osama bin Laden, head of the Islamist militant group al-Qaeda, was killed in Pakistan on May 2, 2011, shortly after 1 a.m. Operation Neptune Spear, was ordered by United States President Obama. The mission was carried out by US Navy SEALs from the United States Naval Special Warfare Development Group of the Joint Special Operations Command. He was killed in his compound in Pakistan.

19 Bin Laden’s Compound

20 Viewing of Operation Neptune Spear

21 Conspiracy Theories of 9/11
9/11 was an inside job US planned 9/11 to initiate war on Al-Qaeda The planes had no windows and carried bombs. The US Government knew about the attacks before they happened. 9/11 did not exist.

22 Video

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