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NAF solves some of the biggest challenges facing education and the economy by bringing education, business, and community leaders together to transform.

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Presentation on theme: "NAF solves some of the biggest challenges facing education and the economy by bringing education, business, and community leaders together to transform."— Presentation transcript:

1 NAF solves some of the biggest challenges facing education and the economy by bringing education, business, and community leaders together to transform the high school experience.

2 Phillip O. Berrry Academy of Technology 2017-2018
1572 STUDENTS 53% MALE 45% FEMALE 32 ADVISORY BOARD MEMBERS 25 BUSINESS PARTNERS 27% Hispanic/Latino 67% Black/African American 1% White 1% Asian % Unreported 2% Other/ Multi-Racial 1% Pacific Islander 1% Native American/Alaska Native 67% Low-income students based on eligibility for free and reduced price lunch 18% English Language Learners OUTCOMES 98% of seniors graduated 92% college-bound graduates 56% seniors who had an internship #BeFutureReady

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