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Witches in the Middle Ages and Beyond

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1 Witches in the Middle Ages and Beyond

2 Who Are Witches Witches are followers of the Wiccan faith dating back to Medieval ages activities include: astrology, spell casting, natural remedies, and biology Made to seem like devil worshipers by the Catholic Church that condemned them for their pagan ideas and practices

3 The Wiccan Religion Wicca is a belief system based upon the reconstruction of pagan and pre-Christian traditions promotes oneness with the divine and a connection harmony with nature acknowledge the cycles of nature, the lunar phases and the seasons The spells are done to promote healing, love, harmony, wisdom and creativity.  

4 Witch Hunts and hysteria
Church and political officials tried and condemned accused witches people were looking for a scapegoat (someone to blame for all the bad) Made an example of troublemakers

5 People accused of Witchcraft
Majority were women over the age of 50 Women were believed to be morally weak and easily tricked by the devil Often social outcasts Women who never married or lived alone Wise women who knew about medicinal plants and treatments Women who tried to take on masculine role or display authority

6 Why accuse someone of witchcraft?
Scapegoat The suggestion is that because of the massive period of disruption, people were looking for a scapegoat (easy to blame the plague on witches) Hysteria and mob mentality People get caught up and react out of fear Revenge - Easy to attack someone who you dislike

7 Traditional [tolerant] attitudes towards witchcraft began to change in the 14th century, at the very end of the Middle Ages. ... The first mass trials appeared in the 15th century. ..around 1550, the persecution skyrocketed. What we think of as "the Burning Times" -- the crazes, panics, and mass hysteria -- largely occurred in one century, from In the 17th century, the Great Hunt passed nearly as suddenly as it had arisen. Trials dropped sharply after 1650 and disappeared completely by the end of the 18th century. (Gibbons, "Recent Developments in the Study of the Great European Witch Hunt".)

8 Witch Executions Trial by water (drowning proved innocent) Hanged
Burned Pressed to Death Pushed off cliffs

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