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Haiti Cecilia Muñoz 3ºD.

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Presentation on theme: "Haiti Cecilia Muñoz 3ºD."— Presentation transcript:

1 Haiti Cecilia Muñoz 3ºD

2 History: 1697 French took control of the country.It was the first post-colonial black- led nation in the world. After a lot of political instability it curently is the poorest country in the western emisphere. Alexadre Péiton

3 January 2010 7.0 Richter, 1.5 million homeless people
300,000 deceased people

4 Violation of human rights

5 Is not prohibited neither has any kind of restriction
Is committed because of age, race, gender, sexuality, language, religion... Discrimination Is not prohibited neither has any kind of restriction

6 Abuse

7 Cildren and women often suffer from abuse
Violence against women and harrasment have no prevention. Rape is illegal but…. A husband CAN kill his wife, a wife CANNOT kill his husband In 2004 the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs hotlain got more than 700 calls from children. Children as slaves are common trade. A high percentage of kids DO NOT get education.

8 Sources: The Cia World factbook/ UN member Nations list
Thank you for your attention. Cecilia Muñoz Fdez 3ºD Sources: The Cia World factbook/ UN member Nations list

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