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Unit 16 Planning and Pitching an Audio-Visual Media Product

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 16 Planning and Pitching an Audio-Visual Media Product"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 16 Planning and Pitching an Audio-Visual Media Product
LO1 Understand existing audio-visual media products and how they are created

2 Title and type of promo What is the title of the promo? What type of promo is it?

3 Explain the purpose of the promo
Is the promos purpose to educate, inform, entertain, sell products, promote a band? Explain your answer carefully.

4 Who is the target audience for the promo?
Think about their age, gender( male or female, hobbies and interests, lifestyle etc)

5 Which genre does the promo belong to?
Explain your answer carefully.

6 How are mise en scene and camera used in the promo to create meaning?
Insert image here and discuss CLAMPS

7 How are mise en scene and camera used in the promo to create meaning?
Insert image here and discuss CLAMPS

8 How are mise en scene and camera used in the promo to create meaning?
Select some still images from the promo and explain their effect on the audience.

9 How are mise en scene and camera used in the promo to create meaning?

10 How are sound and editing used to create meaning?
Think about dialogue, music, sound effects, foley sound

11 Special effects Are there any special effects used? Where and why have they been used? What is the effect?

12 Narrative How has the story been told? How many storylines are there? Is the story left open or closed?

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