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Morning Work Wednesday July 31, 2013

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Presentation on theme: "Morning Work Wednesday July 31, 2013"— Presentation transcript:

1 Morning Work Wednesday July 31, 2013 Good Morning class! Please get yourselves settled and grab your journal and a pencil to begin your morning work!

2 LA Morning Work What is a trademark?
In 1928, MGM’s trademark lion roared for the first timeas it introduced the motion picture studio’s first talking picture. The only spoken word in the film was “hello.” What is a trademark? Why do you think companies have trademarks? Do you think they are beneficial? Why or why not?

3 Math Morning Work 1. Use the rectangle model to solve: 563 x 32 = ____
2. Model cars are shipped from a factory in boxes of if the company makes 3010 model cars, how many boxes can be filled to ship? = ______

4 Writing Morning Work Your school is having a talent show, and every student is required to participate. What talent will you share and why?

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