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China’s Ancient Philosophies

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1 China’s Ancient Philosophies
Legalism Confucianism Daoism

2 Warring States The last period we talked about 403 B.C.
Chinese society was experiencing disorder Lords and kings fought with each other Many people wondered what it would take to develop peace. During this lesson we will learn about the three philosophies the Chinese followed.

3 Legalism Belief that rulers should force people to obey laws.
Many people who believed this thought a strong government was the answer to Chinese problems Belief that human nature is wicked People were only good if they were forced to behave that way Harsh punishments were needed to make people afraid EQ: How did Legalism suggest that society be controlled? Strict laws and control the way people behave GRAPHIC ORGANIZER

4 To help fulfill Legalism
Force people to report law breakers If they did not, they would receive harsh punishments* Their would be a reward for reporting law breakers Arrested people who questioned the government Taught rulers to burn books that contained different philosophies** *Cut people in two **We will learn about Shi Huangdi, the ruler who ordered different belief books to be burnt. Review: Why did Legalist want a strong government? Legalist believed that people needed to be strictly controlled to provide an orderly society. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER

5 Confucianism Confucius lived from 551 to 479 B.C.
Developed ideas to have peace Respect for others is necessary Government leaders should set an example of the expected behavior Confucius students collected his ideas and wrote Analects* EQ: What actions did Confucius believe would bring order to China? Proper conduct as outlined in the five relationships *Analects tells of Confucius’ teachings. This is what formed the PHILOSOPHY of Confucianism. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER

6 Five Basic Relationships
Five Relationships Taught a code of proper conduct for people Five relationships Each relationship has their own duties Two basic categories Proper conduct in family Proper conduct in society Five Basic Relationships Father and son Elder brother and junior brother Husband and wife Friend and friend Ruler and subject Which relationships do you think is society? Which is family? GRAPHIC ORGANIZER

7 Proper Conduct Confucius believed Proper conduct began at home
Filial Piety: Is the cornerstone of the social structure. This is treating parents with respect Proper conduct began at home Husbands were good to their wives Wives obeyed their husbands Brothers were kind to brothers Older brother was more in charge In society, authorities should be respected Rulers responsibility to respect his subjects and live correctly It was believed that if all of these behaviors were followed there would be peace in society. Set out clear family and social roles If they were followed people would be able to find ways to avoid conflict. Many rulers tried to live up to Confucius/ model for a good ruler. Confucius encouraged education which laid the groundwork for fair government officials. Review: How did Confucius think rulers should behave? Set an example of good morals and conduct GRAPHIC ORGANIZER

8 Daoism Philosophy is said to have began with Laozi*
Universal force called the Dao, guides all things To relate to nature humans have to find their own individual way Learn to live in harmony with nature and inner feelings EQ: What did the Daoists believe about sociey? Individuals had to live in harmony with nature and inner feelings *Not sure if he really exsisted GRAPHIC ORGANIZER

9 Following Daoism Did not argue about good or bad
Did not try to change things Did not want to be involved with the government Yin and yang, two things that interact Black stands for cold, dark, mysterious White stands for warm bright light Forces complement one another Daoism accepted things as they were. Tried to understand nature and live in harmony with its rhythms Forces are always changing and evolving REVIEW: Why did Daoism teach that each human had to find an individual way to follow life? Because there were no rules for correct conduct. Each person had to live in harmony with the forces of nature. GRAPHIC ORGANIZER

10 Comparing the philosophies
Legalism Confucianism Daoism Legalism Confucianism Daoism Humans wicked Respect in all relationships All things guided by a universal force Strict laws are needed Established clear roles Sought harmony with nature Legalism: humans are wicked and need strict laws and punishments Confucius taught a code of proper conduct, including respect, that humans could learn Daoism: held the view that each human must find an individual moral path to follow

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