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Warmup 3/8 If your government could solve almost all of the world’s problems, but it needed to kill one completely innocent person, would that be okay?

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Presentation on theme: "Warmup 3/8 If your government could solve almost all of the world’s problems, but it needed to kill one completely innocent person, would that be okay?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Warmup 3/8 If your government could solve almost all of the world’s problems, but it needed to kill one completely innocent person, would that be okay? Why? What about if it needed to kill 10,000 criminals instead?

2 LOGISTICS! We are starting an essay on the Reign of Terror
You need to write that essay in class on Monday

3 The Reign of Terror Can the government’s actions during the reign of terror be justified? Justified: shown or proved to be reasonable or right.

4 The Reign of Terror Radicals have seized the government from the bourgeoisie They argue that they need extraordinary powers to fix France’s problems Anyone guilty of opposing the revolution is executed Over 16,000 people are executed in 14 months.

5 The Committee of Public Safety
“We must [exterminate] the internal and external enemies of the Republic or perish with it… [our] policy should to be to lead the people by reason and the people's enemies by terror” -Maximilien Robespierre

6 Method Statement Write your method statement now
Prompt: was the Reign of Terror justified? Think about: How will you decide if it was just?

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