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Rubric for Vocabulary Worksheet

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1 Rubric for Vocabulary Worksheet
Emerging Mastery Basic Proficient Advanced Student completes the assignment and masters some vocabulary words. BUT The explanations for several vocabulary words demonstrates that the student does not fully understand the meaning of almost all vocabulary words or how to use the words in context. OR Student relies too much on re-stated definitions or ideas they do not fully understand to explain the meaning of more than one word. Student uses images with captions or discussion of related examples to explain the meaning of vocabulary words. These explanations demonstrate that the student understands the meaning of almost all vocabulary words and how to use the words in context. All explanations are complete but with more effort could have gone further or been more effective for teaching. Student has not copied any definitions or simply re-stated another definition. Student uses images with captions or discussion of related examples to explain the meaning of vocabulary words. These explanations demonstrate that the student understands the meaning of all vocabulary words and how to use the words in context. All explanations are complete and show thorough effort. Several could be used to teach a new student the meaning of these vocabulary words. Student has not copied any definitions or simply re-stated another definition. Student has demonstrated Proficient Mastery. THEN For an extra set of vocabulary words, student determines definitions and writes explanations that could be used to teach vocabulary words to a new student. Student has a conversation with the teacher in order to determine an assignment that would demonstrate Advanced Mastery.

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