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Underlying causes of Challenging Behaviour and Poor Attendance

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Presentation on theme: "Underlying causes of Challenging Behaviour and Poor Attendance"— Presentation transcript:

1 Underlying causes of Challenging Behaviour and Poor Attendance
Aims To explore the idea that behaviour is effective in getting ‘needs met’ rather than merely ‘good’ or ‘bad’ To explore contributory factors underlying challenging behaviour and poor attendance To examine some of the strategies used to address the underlying causes of challenging behaviour and poor attendance To create opportunities for developing and enhancing leadership skills

2 Aspects of Leadership - everyone is a leader
Encourage others to develop a positive ethos in your setting relating to the underlying causes of challenging behaviour and poor attendance Use effective communication that values the opinions of the others and aims for mutual understanding Develop strategies for effective action planning based on analysis of relevant data Analyse relevant data and use this information to support your action planning

3 When a student misbehaves what are the main purposes of that behaviour?

4 Activity One Write down some of the behaviours you regularly observe in your role.

5 Quote – Herbert 1988 Behaviour does not occur within a vacuum, nor is it a passive process. It is a complex transition between the individual, with his or her inborn strengths and weaknesses, acting or reacting with an environment that sometimes encourages and sometimes discourages certain actions.

6 Activity Two Card Sort

7 Social psychologist Rudolf Dreikurs believed it was possible to understand children’s misbehaviours by recognising the four main purposes or goals of the child. The four goals of misbehaviour are: attention getting, the contest for power, seeking revenge and displaying inadequacy.

8 Attendance Activity 3 Split into 2 groups
Mind map - what you believe are the underlying causes of non attendance

9 Focus on 3 causes of non attendance and in your group discuss what strategies you would use to improve attendance. Share with the whole group.

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