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Growth and Delivery Event The Prioritisation of Planning Obligations

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Presentation on theme: "Growth and Delivery Event The Prioritisation of Planning Obligations"— Presentation transcript:

1 Growth and Delivery Event The Prioritisation of Planning Obligations
Workshop 3 - The Prioritisation of Planning Obligations

2 Purpose of Workshop To understand the current system To consider best practice To establish a degree of consistency across the West of England To understand the impact of future changes Localism Agenda CIL

3 The Current Obligations System
West of England and housebuilders both want delivery All obligations should be: To navigate development proposals Policy based Pass 05/05 tests Applicants negotiate levels of obligations Viability is a material consideration for all obligations Case by case prioritisation In practice, led by Case Officer but members decision THIS IS PRIMARILY FOR THE LA TO DECIDE

4 Best Practice Some LA’s have clear priorities
Others look on a case by case basis Prioritisation Matrix Know practice elsewhere?

5 Consistency across the WoE
Each UA has different: Priorities Political views Processes What can be done to achieve a more consistent process?

6 Potential Future Changes
Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Fixed Non negotiable Viability tests (?) Excludes affordable housing Localism Agenda How do we get genuine input into the process from the Community?

7 Delivering Positive change on behalf of our clients for the benefit of their customers

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