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Build Repair Metabolism

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1 Build Repair Metabolism
What are proteins Build Repair Metabolism

2 Elements contained in Proteins
Unlike carbs and fats proteins contain 4 elements Carbon, Hydrogen, oxygen and NITROGEN This makes it difficult to convert protein into glucose. For this REASON PROTEIN IS RARELY USED FOR ENERGY

3 Weird but important fact
If protein loses it’s N it loses it’s shape and can no longer be used as a protein. It can’t do it’s job. Using it for energy is really only for emergencies IF the body is under nourished and not getting enough protein, then the body will start digesting it’s own muscles even it’s own heart.

4 What are the building blocks
Amino acids are the building block for protein The R group is different on each. There are 20 amino acids The order of the amino acids Determines the shape of the protein Proteins are known by their unique shape. The shape of the protein determines the job it does Your body makes thousands of proteins.

5 The essential amino acids
Your body can make 12 amino acids The other 8 you have to get from your food. These are called the essential amino acids. Proteins from animal souces contain all 8 they are complete proteins. Beef, poultry, fish, eggs, milk Proteins from plants are incomplete. They are missing one or two amino acids. They have to be eaten in pairs to get all 8 amino acids.

6 Protein pairs for vegetarians
Rule of thumb grain + legume=complete protein Eg. Rice and lentils Peas soup and corn bread Peanut butter on whole wheat bread There are a few veggie proteins that are complete. Soya complete Quinoa complete

7 For what does the body use proteins
They build tissue Muscles, hair, nails, skin (kerotin) They carry oxygen and clot blood Hemoglobin and thromboplastin They control growth, regulate sugar, send messages as hormones Human growth hormone, insulin, testosterone, estrogen They speed up chemical changes as enzymes Amylase, protease, lipase They protect you from UV radiation Melanin They fight infection antibodies Energy as a last resort only

8 Identification of proteins in the lab
The indicator for proteins is called biurets solution. This can be done in a spot plate. It will burn your skin. With water as a negative control biurets stays a pale blue. When protein is present biurets turns purple or violet.

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