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Monday’s Response to Quote

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1 Monday’s Response to Quote
“One who fears failure limits his activities. Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again.” –Henry Ford Remember to fill the box! Do not copy the quote! 1. What does the quote mean? 2. How does it relate to your life?

2 Allegory Word of the Week
Definition: a literary device in which characters or events in a literary, visual, or musical art form represent or symbolize ideas and concept The allegory of The Three Little Pigs includes lessons that apply to all aspects of life.

3 Vocabulary is given every Monday Quizzes are given on Fridays
Vocabulary: Week Two Vocabulary is given every Monday Quizzes are given on Fridays

4 1. Divulge Definition: To tell; to reveal (as a secret)
I dumped my boyfriend when he divulged information about his affairs with other girls.

5 2. Abet Definition: To assist or encourage
Jim refused to abet the criminal by hiding him in the basement.

6 3. Dogmatic Definition: arrogant and stubborn about one’s beliefs
Because of the teacher’s dogmatic beliefs, the students were afraid to ask questions.

7 4. Insipid Definition: Lacking flavor; dull
The insipid topics the teacher was covering put me to sleep.

8 5. Extraneous Definition: inessential; not necessary
The students felt that the summer reading project was an extraneous assignment.

9 Prefixes Ex- Meaning out Tri- Meaning three

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