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Supplies to get Get a transparency with a graph on it.

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Presentation on theme: "Supplies to get Get a transparency with a graph on it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supplies to get Get a transparency with a graph on it.
Get a graph worksheet. Get a visa-vie marker. Get your grade print out. Get your supplies for your final choice project. Have a seat until the bell rings.

2 Art A Graphing your grades

3 Agenda We are going to graph our grades and compare.
We are going to go over what we did last time. We are going to work the entire period on your final choice project.

4 How to graph your grades
Look at the percentages on your grades Starting from top to bottom with your grades and left to right with your graph put the dots on the approximate percentage you got for each assignment. Connect the dots on your percentages. Transfer the dots and line to your transparency using the visa-vie marker. Lets see where we are at.

5 Last time Your proposal was due this class period during class so it could be approved or given suggestions so it could be correct. You were to also finish a rough draft of your final project Than everyone needed to work on their project You do not receive your paper until your have an approved proposal and a rough draft.

6 Studio Time Get right to work on your on your final choice project.
If you do not have your paper yet check to see if your proposal has been approved yet. If it has than bring it to Mrs. Francesconi to get your paper. If it has not, than you need to make the adjustment and bring it back before you can start. Move quickly you are loosing 25 points a day that you are late.

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