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Discussion Questions The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

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Presentation on theme: "Discussion Questions The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins"— Presentation transcript:

1 Discussion Questions The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
and “The Lottery” by Shirley Jackson

2 “The Lottery” What is the author’s main purpose in “The Lottery”?
What is the point she is trying to make?

3 Hunger Games What is the author’s main purpose in The Hunger Games?
What is the point she is trying to make?

4 Compare the Stories In what ways are the stories alike?
How are the authors’ points of view the same?

5 Contrast the Stories How are the stories different?
Are there any differing view points between the authors?

6 Our Society Could events like the ones in “The Lottery” and The Hunger Games ever occur in our society? What do we need to do to prevent it from happening?

7 Emotional Connection Controlling free thought and emotions is important in a dystopian society. In what ways are emotions controlled in these two stories? Katniss rebels through both free thought and the emotional connections she forms. Explain how.

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