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Biology is the study of……

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Presentation on theme: "Biology is the study of……"— Presentation transcript:

1 Biology is the study of……

2 Living Things

3 Plants

4 Animals

5 Vertebrates – animals with a backbone

6 Invertebrates – Animals with no backbone

7 Key A key is a set of questions (or pictures) used to identify living things.


9 Response Nutrition Food + Oxygen Energy Growth Respiration Excretion Reproduction Movement

10 Seven Characteristics of Living Things:
Characteristic Description Nutrition The way living things get and use their food Respiration The release of energy from food in our cells Excretion Getting rid of the wastes that are made in the cells Growth The way living things get bigger due to cell division Reproduction The way living things can produce new individuals of the same kind Movement The way living things move Response The ability to react to changes in the environment

11 Mrs. Gren M = Movement R = Respiration S = Sensitivity (Response)
G = Growth E = Excretion N = Nutrition

12 Cells

13 A group of similar cells makes up a _________??

14 TISSUE Examples: nervous tissue, bone tissue, muscle tissue Tissue

15 A number of tissues make up an ______??

16 ORGAN Examples: Heart, liver, stomach, kidney Organ Tissue Cell

17 A number of organs working together makes up a _________??
Tissue Cell

18 SYSTEM Examples: Circulatory, Digestive, Nervous System Organ Tissue

19 How do Organisms Grow?

20 Organisms grow by cell division (one cell growing bigger and splitting in two.)

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