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Chapter 51 Animal Behavior.

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1 Chapter 51 Animal Behavior

2 What is Behavior? "anything an animal does and how it does it"
Take a moment to ponder the scope of this...

3 Causation of Behaviors
Two levels: Proximate and Ultimate Proximate: the immediate cause or releaser of the behavior (how or what types of questions) Ultimate: the evolutionary reason for the behavior to be present in the organism (why?)

4 Fields of Behavior Study... and some famous studies
Ethology-Niko Tinbergen, Konrad Lorenz, and Karl von Frisch (Nobel laureates) Behavioral Ecology-Charles Darwin, BF Skinner, Richard Dawkins Sociobiology-EO Wilson, Jane Goodall Comparative Psychology-Ivan Pavlov, Skinner, et al. (Note there are varying degrees of overlap)

5 Types of Behaviors Innate-inborn, instinctual, reflexes, FAPs
Learned-modified by experiences-imprinting, habituation, conditioning (classical vs. operant), insight Movements-kinesis, taxis, migration Optimal foraging strategy Agonistic behaviors-warning (threat) displays, territoriality, dominance and submission Courtship rituals and parenting behaviors Circadian and rhythmic behaviors

6 The Special Case of Social Behavior
What is Social Behavior? Cooperation-When does it happen? Why? The "Altruism vs. Selfishness" Debate Hamilton's Rule and kin selection Coefficient of relatedness, r Uniqueness of "eusociality" The Sociobiology controversy-EO Wilson

7 Mating and Courtship Strategies
Why is there "strategy" at all? Boys vs. Girls Economics of Sex-quality vs. quantity! Mating systems: polygamy (polygyny/polyandry) and monogamy Sexual selection: male competition and female choice Case study examples

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