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AP Psychology Jan. 26th objective Opener

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1 AP Psychology Jan. 26th objective Opener
Prepare for the Ch. 9 exam by presenting Motivation Music, mastering, and completing Ch. 9 reading guide. Motivation Music Presentations

2 Ch. 9 conclusion

3 Inverted U Model or Yerkes-Dodson Law

4 Social Conflict Situations:
1. Approach-Approach– 2 positive outcomes (can only pick one) 2. Avoidance-Avoidance – 2 negative outcomes (can only pick one) 3. Approach – Avoidance – both options have positive and negative outcomes 4. Multiple approach – avoidance – multiple choices, multiple outcomes.

5 Learned Helplessness

6 Be familiar with the following terms/concepts listed below
Be familiar with the following terms/concepts listed below. The students who are most prepared will review any handouts, notes, and all reading assigned during this unit. The list below is NOT comprehensive – anything covered during the unit is fair game and may not necessarily be listed below. Motivation Theories (instinct theory/evolutionary perspective, drive-reduction theory [push and pull factors], arousal theory [Yerkes-Dodson law], hierarchy of needs) Hunger Motivation (stomach contractions, brain basis for hunger [lateral and ventromedial hypothalamus], Set Point theory,) Weight Issues (obesity, bulimia [binging and purging], anorexia, causes of eating disorders) Sex Research (Kinsey study, Masters and Johnson study, sexual response cycle [excitement, plateau, orgasm, refraction, resolution]) Biological Determinants of Sexual Orientation (hypothalamus clusters, hormones in the prenatal environment) Needs for Achievement (intrinsic and extrinsic motivators), Power, and Intimacy Motivation at Work (I/O Psychology, flow, Management theory [Theory X and Theory Y]) Conflicting Motives (approach-approach conflict, avoidance-avoidance conflict, approach-avoidance conflict) Emotion Theories (James-Lange theory, Cannon-Bard theory, Singer-Schachter Two-Factor theory [two-track brain and spillover effect]) Experiencing Emotion (catharsis, feel-good, do-good phenomenon)

7 Work Time EXAM TUESDAY Complete Happiness article activity
Work on Mastery Complete Ch. 9 Reading Guide

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