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3rd conjugation check Grade: «grade» Subject: Latin Date: «date»

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1 3rd conjugation check Grade: «grade» Subject: Latin Date: «date»

2 3rd conjugation verbs end in -o, -ere in their dictionary entries.
1 3rd conjugation verbs end in -o, -ere in their dictionary entries. Yes No

3 2 What letters do you drop to find the present stem of 3rd conjugation verbs? A -re B -ere C -i

4 3 What vowels appear as parts of the endings on the 3rd conjugation chart? A -a B -e C -i D -o E -u

5 4 Which of the following is the correct plural imperative form of rego, regere? A rege! B regete! C regite!

6 Lesson XIX Lesson 19 3rd conjugation verbs

7 3rd Conjugation Verbs ·3rd conjugation verbs have –o, -ere as their dictionary endings ·Let’s see how to conjugate these verbs in the present tense.

8 pono, ponere, posui, positus:
put, place ·Go to the 2nd principal part ·Drop the –ere ·Stem is PON- ·3rd conjugation verbs drop 3 letters to find their stem. ·We’ll replace that first –e- with another vowel.

9 ·-s (you) -tis (you/y’all) ·-t (h/s/i) -nt (they)
·Remember the present tense endings? (sure you do!) ·-o (I) -mus (we) ·-s (you) -tis (you/y’all) ·-t (h/s/i) -nt (they)

10 ·Here’s what 3rd conjugation present tense endings look like with their “new” vowels.
·-o -imus ·-is -itis ·-it -unt

11 ·ponis ponitis ·ponit ponunt ·Back to “pono, ponere.”
·We dropped the –ere instead of just the “-re.” ·Present Tense: ·pono ponimus ·ponis ponitis ·ponit ponunt

12 Imperatives (commands)
To form the imperative (command) form of a 3rd conjugation verb like “pono,” drop the –re from the 2nd part. ponere -re PONE (put!) --- singular ponere –re + -ite PONITE (put!) --- plural

13 ·posuisti posuistis ·posuit posuerunt ·posui posuimus
·Perfect (Past) Tense ·3rd conjugation verbs use the same perfect tense charts as all other verbs do. ·Perfect Tense: ·Drop the -i from the 3rd principal part. ·pono, ponere, posui, positus ·posui posuimus ·posuisti posuistis ·posuit posuerunt

14 ·Present Tense ·pono ponimus ·ponis ponitis ·ponit ponunt ·Perfect Tense ·posui posuimus ·posuisti posuistis ·posuit posuerunt


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