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Mexican Independence 1821.

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Presentation on theme: "Mexican Independence 1821."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mexican Independence 1821

2 Morelos Led movement for freedom from Spain
Issued a declaration of independence in 1814 Drew up plans for a new government – a Mexican republic Republic – citizens elect representatives to make laws

3 Morelos Won control of large areas of southern New Spain
Followers were people from lower classes Killed by forces loyal to the govt in 1815 Rebel spirit lived on after his death in small groups but none had any real power

4 Changes in Spain Six years later, the Spanish people rose up against the king King no longer had absolute power Some power rested with representatives of the people Lower classes wanted to change class system

5 Changes in Spain Upper classes worried they would lose too much power
Afraid what would happen if the common people had more power Conservatives wanted to limit changes and keep the old ways

6 Iturbide Leader of the Conservatives (upper classes)
Fought against Hidalgo and Morelos and their followers for 10 years (lower classes) Asked them to work together WITH him As ONE, they could achieve an independent Mexico – this common goal would unite them

7 Plan of iguala Met with rebel leader Guerrero and the two sides agreed to Plan of Iguala which stated: Mexico would be independent Peninsulares and criollos would be equal Catholic Church would keep its power

8 Plan of iguala Plan favored the conservatives
Spain had lost control of New Spain August 24, 1821 Nation of Mexico was born Treaty of Cordoba made it official

9 issues Long fight for Mexican independence was over
Liberals and conservatives agreed they wanted an end to Spanish rule Could not agree on how to govern Mexico Basic issues still split the different classes

10 issues Many people were still poor
Mexico still had concerns about its US neighbor Number of Mexicans living in Texas had dropped during the fighting in New Spain

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