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Unit 7 Natural Selection and Animal Behavior

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1 Unit 7 Natural Selection and Animal Behavior
Introduction Video link

2 Real Life Example: Peppered Moths
Prior to the industrial revolution, white moths were most prominent in the UK After the industrial revolution, black moths were most prominent Why do you think this is? Source:

3 Peppered Moths Source:

4 Charles Darwin Traveled at the age of 21 aboard the HMS Beagle
Observed finches on the Galapogos Islands and decided they must have a common ancestor

5 Adaptations Adaptation: evolution of a structure, behavior, or internal process that enables an organism to respond to stimuli and better survive in an environment

6 Darwin’s Natural Selection
1. Organisms produce more offspring than can survive 2. In any population, individuals have variations 3. Individuals with certain variations survive and pass those variations to the next generation 4. Over time, offspring with certain variations make up most of the population and may look entirely different from their ancestors

7 Lamark’s Theory video link
Lamarck is best known for his Theory of Inheritance of Acquired Characteristics, first presented in 1801 (Darwin's first book dealing with natural selection was published in 1859): If an organism changes during life in order to adapt to its environment, those changes are passed on to its offspring.

8 On the back of your paper, or on white paper, Draw, color label and title the Four Tenants of Darwin’s Natural Selection. pg. 395

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