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Pygmalion Analysis Group 2

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1 Pygmalion Analysis Group 2
Troy Miller, Noah Dovenbarger, Kaley Wilson, Deshan Meemanage & Charletha Ringstaff

2 Colonel Pickering Much nicer and much more well-mannered than Higgins.
Chivalrous and proper due to how he talks to and treats Ms.Doolittle and the other women he encounters in his day to day life. “And felt about me as if I were a something better than a scullery maid; though of course I knew you would have been just the same” (Eliza: Act 5, pg 80) Often displays a sense of compassion for those he speaks to, in a manner that seems to be equally reassuring as it is calming. I“You have not lost it, my dear. You have won it ten times over” ( Pickering: pg 59) The assistant to Henry Higgins in the play. “Henry Higgins, author of higgins universal alphabet” (Pickering: pg 11) Well-traveled, which provides him with a much broader perspective of the world than his peers and fellow victorians. He often mentions his time in India. Manipulates preconceived notions

3 Ezra D. Wannafeller Dead throughout the entirety of the play.
Drastically changes Alfred Doolittle’s life. Described as being an old American Philanthropist. He was dedicated to giving money to found various “Moral Reform Societies” around the world. Represented the idea of meritocratic social mobility. The belief that working hard can move one up the social ladder. He rivaled the traditional Victorian ideals, of there being a natural social hierarchy in which people are born into the social position they deserve.

4 Question 1- A playwright has many tools at hand for developing character. In the development of a minor character in Pygmalion, show one of these conventions has been used to make the character memorable in spite of being minor. Ezra D. Wannafeller is a perfect example of a minor character developed in Pygmalion. When Doolittle brings in Wannafeller during the course of Act V, it is because he had passed away and as a result Doolittle receives a portion of Wannafeller’s trust in which he gains $3000 a year on the circumstance that he performs six lectures a year. This causes Doolittle to become much wealthier than he was before, which he dislikes very much due to it putting him into a higher social class that he doesn't want to be in. This, in turn, causes an entire lifestyle change in which he is greatly uncomfortable with, due to it including the change from him asking people for money to now the people around him asking him for money, and in the same vein, treating him as a totally different person all because of this sudden shift in social class. In the end, Ezra acting as a minor character that is just mentioned actually turns out to be a catalyst for major change within Doolittle, along with the deliverance of one of the play’s central themes.

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