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The 5 mark SPAG question at the end.

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Presentation on theme: "The 5 mark SPAG question at the end."— Presentation transcript:

1 The 5 mark SPAG question at the end.

2 Make sure your sentences start differently (examples below)
What does that mean in reality? You need to: Make sure you group similar points together in paragraphs (e.g. all the bits about animals) Make sure your sentences start differently (examples below) Use connective phrases (examples below) Make sure your basics of spelling, punctuation and grammar are fairly accurate Do all of that and you’ll get at least 3/5. You might be surprised to know that…. People do this because… Without a doubt, the most important… A key point is that… Furthermore, the ….. We can see that…

3 Chance to travel to faraway/exotic locations
Work with wildlife such as orang utans in Borneo/orphan elephants in Africa Practical tasks such as digging a well in Indonesia Increased amounts of money going into ecological and wildlife projects Satisfying the human need to help Appeals to our desire to champion a cause Doing something that fulfills a moral purpose Makes you feel less guilty about the damage to the environment Helps communities create resources and facilities that will provide long-term help Can help a wide range of people in local and international destinations Helps communities make money Improves social mobility Provides more opportunities for trade and tourism Makes a difference to the planet. Allows you to participate in and learn about different cultures/ways of life Preserves traditions and methods Improves human rights for vulnerable communities through raising awareness Brings about change that will make a difference to other people in the future


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