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Female Reproductive System

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1 Female Reproductive System

2 Structural Anatomy

3 Structural Anatomy

4 Structure Paired gonads called the ovaries
Function to produce mature ova, also produces the female sex cell hormones oestrogen and progesterone Paired ovaries connected by paired tubes, oviducts (fallopian tubes) to central uterus (womb). Vagina connects uterus to the exterior

5 Production of ova Commences at puberty (10-14 years) continues until menopause end of reproductive life (40-55 years). Ova maturation is cyclic In humans, a mature ovum is released about every 28 days (The menstrual cycle)

6 Fertility Within the ovary, females possess at birth, all the immature ova that will ever be present (200,000) Only reaches maturity, the remainders are degenerated

7 Ovulation A single ovum is surrounded by a layer of cells called a
Follicle (a sac-like structure)

8 The follicle The follicle nourishes the ova and produces oestrogen.
The follicle is large, 100µm The follicle grows, and when the ovum is mature the follicle moves on to the surface of the ovary, and releases the ovum

9 Usually only one follicle matures at a time

10 Ovulation The release of the ovum from the ovary is called ovulation.
The ovum passes into the oviduct, moving towards the uterus After ovulation, the remainder of the follicle is called the corpus luteum The corpus luteum produces the hormone progesterone

11 Multiples In 1-2% of all ovulations, more than one oocyte is released- which can result in multiple births

12 How long have you got? If fertilisation is to occur it must take place when the ovum is in the upper oviduct An unfertilised egg lives about 72 hours

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