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Set – collection of objects

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1 Set – collection of objects

2 Element or member – object in a set

3 A = {3, 6, 12, 24} 6 A 8 A

4 Finite set – has a whole number amount of elements

5 Infinite set – cannot count the elements

6 B = {2, 4, 6, 8, …}

7 Empty set – contains no elements
or { } but NOT { }

8 Disjoint sets – have no members in common

9 C D 6 13 12 5

10 Subset – All members of this set also belong to another set.

11 A C 6 3 C A U 12 24

12 every set U A A U

13 Union – set formed by combining two sets

14 D E 6 1 24 3 8 5 10 D U E = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10}

15 Intersection – set of elements which belong to two sets

16 D E 6 1 24 3 8 5 10 D ∩ E = {2, 4}

17 15 15 Real numbers R 5 9 5 9 Q Z – 41 – 41 W √5 √5 Irrationals N .72 .72 √16 √16 π π

18 Commutative a + b = b + a ab = ba

19 Associative (a + b) + c = a + (b + c) (ab)c = a(bc)

20 Identity a + 0 = a a • 1 = a

21 Zero a • 0 = 0

22 Inverse a + (–a) = –a + a = 0

23 Inverse Property of Multiplication
For any number a ≠ 0, a ( ) = ( a ) = 1. 1 a

24 Reciprocal Two nonzero numbers are reciprocals, or multiplicative inverses, of one another if their product is one.

25 Inverse Property of Addition and Zero Property of Multiplication
Example 2 Name the property illustrated by the following. 15.3(8 – 8) = 0 Inverse Property of Addition and Zero Property of Multiplication

26 Associative Property of Multiplication
Example 2 Name the property illustrated by the following. 1 2 1 3 2 5 1 2 1 3 2 5 x = Associative Property of Multiplication

27 Inverse Property of Addition
Example 2 Name the property illustrated by the following. √17 √17 = 0 Inverse Property of Addition

28 Inverse Property of Multiplication
Example 2 Name the property illustrated by the following. 27 72 = 1 Inverse Property of Multiplication

29 Exercise Can you always find a rational number between any two given rational numbers? How many rational numbers are there?

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