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Change isn't about fighting the old it is about building the new

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Presentation on theme: "Change isn't about fighting the old it is about building the new"— Presentation transcript:

1 Enhancing Organizational Capacity to Infuse Teaching and Learning with 21st Century Solutions
Change isn't about fighting the old it is about building the new.- Socrates

2 The International Education Company
Labtech is one of the leading and largest technical education manufacturers and designers based in Asia. Established in 1985, 28 years ago. East and West: Originating from the USA, we combine the best of East and West with good design and lower costs to meet the needs of industrializing nations. Strategic Location and Close by Support: Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia and Jordan are Base countries. Technical Education Equipment: Labtech Designs and produces training systems for Vocational Schools, Colleges, Polytechnics and Universities. Int’l Markets: Supplying equipment to over 70 countries around the world. Extensive technical product range: with over 900 training systems in six key technology areas. SYSTEMS FOR KNOWLEDGE ENGINEERING

3 Purpose of Presentation
To provide a framework for implementing 21st Century Skill Programs in a technology enriched learning environment

4 The Workplace is Changing: 21st Century Skills
New technologies bring new methods of working Workers are going to have to learn many new things as they come along Life-long learning will not be only be a desired trait but an absolute necessity. Communication, collaboration, leadership, innovation, creativity, cooperation and other soft skills become increasingly important.

5 Organizational Changes in the 21st Century
Organisms not Organizations Everything is connected to everything else: Systems Thinking Cooperation Past success is a poor predictor of future performance in a changing world: Measure the right things! The heart does what the heart does and the liver and kidneys do what they do. In this way of thinking of organizations it is up to the policy makers to allow stakeholders to do what they do naturally and best and to systematically design the organization to be sustainable and effective. Systems thinking ensures the right things are being measured. In education it is not test scores. This is the wrong thing and not correlated to anything on the previous slide, but it is easy and convenient. Technology enhances these changes. Education is terribly slow at change. Most bureaucracies are. This is one of the points of friction between public and private sectors, but it needn’t be.

6 ICT Initiatives typically fall under one of two umbrellas:
Infrastructure Hardware & Connectivity Info-Structure Courseware & Web-based While these provide the backbone of initiatives, they are neither comprehensive nor systematic.

7 Infrastructure & Info-structure: The Challenges
1. Finding Funding 2. Maintenance 3. Inadequate Training 4. Integration into Curriculum 5. Access 6. Safety 7. Teacher attitudes 8. Stopping Here ? These are the challenges to infrastructure as an element of ICT solutions. “Stopping here” refers to thinking you’ve met your ICT challenge simply by buying things. This is incorrect, but very common. All 3 solutions need to be in place. Inadequate training means teachers aren’t effectively taught to use the hardware to its maximum effect

8 Organizational Development & Capacity Building
Infrastructure Info-Structure Info-Culture 3i Framework Facility Development Systems Development 21st Century Standards Benchmarking & Feedback Loops Professional Development Tech Integration in Curriculum Design Change Management Organizational Development & Capacity Building

9 Infrastructure Info-Structure Info-Culture 60% Investment 20% Investment 20% Investment 3i Framework: Each Area needs to be considered as part of the total investment in ICT

10 B.Y.O.D.: Bring Your Own Device
Server Content & Opportunity Learning Platform Management Systems Connection Student’s own Device Most Students Students without own Device This is an example program. Infr and info structures cost is place on the individual. This program manages both the first IsThis doesn’t work for everyone, but could be considered the price some parents pay for books, especially at university level. No doubt this program will increase efficiency…but it will just be doing the same thing in a new way. It certainly will not inherently teach students soft skills and history has shown that often these programs screw up because there’s no content or the teachers simply don’t know how to use them with existing curriculum. EVEN if you are doing the old things in a new way, you have to do change management to get the teachers to do the new process. Device Provided by CSR or Partner or Device Provided by School or MoE

11 Capacity Building in the 21st Century: ISTE NETS*S
Standards for developing Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) through the infusion of technology in education Measurement of ICT integration program effectiveness International Benchmarking Researched-based best practices for enhancing student engagement with material Research-based best practices to develop life-long learning This defines the soft skills so they are less abstract and therefore measurable.

12 Capacity Building in the 21st Century: ISTE NETS*T
Demonstrates capacity to create technology-rich learning environments Demonstrates ability to infuse technology throughout curriculum Requires modeling best practices for students Not focused on technology operations. It is about getting the student to use technology for learning (not necessarily the teacher) Measurable only by student output. It is about doing something together with the students not to the students. Out of the five domains, four are student oriented and only for the teacher (PG)

13 Capacity Building in the 21st Century: ISTE NETS*A
Demonstrates capacity to create technology-rich schools Sets expectations on ICT usage Creates and monitors feedback loops on program effectiveness Leads stakeholders at developing localized ICT solutions Facilitates professional development opportunities

14 Comprehensive Capacity Building for Technology Integration
National Education Technology Policy NETS*A NETS*T NETS*S The success of each layer is dependent on the success of those below it. Comprehensive Capacity Building for Technology Integration The capacity of our students demonstrates the effectiveness of education. The NETS*S is the ultimate objective for all technology policy.

15 BUT Next: Our Goal: Reduced cost of ICT + develop 21st Century Skills
Decided on the program to achieve our goal: BYOD We have our benchmarks to measure our goal: (ISTE) BUT How do we know if the teachers are ready? Do they have the capacity to implement the program and make it successful? Will lack of knowledge and poor attitude derail my project?

16 Technology Adoption Curve
The Technology “Chasm” Proof of Concept Initial Adoption Mass Adoption

17 The Purpose of Good Assessment:
A good assessment program, when set into an overall development framework, will provide an ongoing tool to evaluate teacher capability and will be the foundation for developing future PD which will take teachers to the next step. It can profile teachers and yields information according to the Technology Adoption Curve. This enables more precise targeting on future initiatives and programs. Assessment isn’t just about where you are but it includes a pathway to where you should be.

18 Characteristics of the Assessment
Content Knowledge Pedagogical Knowledge and Practice Attitudes and Willingness Technology Skills and Knowledge Content Knowledge is Important to Successful ICT Integration but is presumed to be addressed by current PD and standards in place by the MOE.

19 Levels of Tech Integration into the Curriculum
Entry Adoption Adaption Infusion Transformation Teacher uses technology to deliver content Teacher allows students to use technology with direction Teacher as facilitator and students begin to independently use technology tools Teacher provides the learning context and students choose tools to achieve learning outcome Teacher encourages innovative use of technology. Technology tools are used to facilitate HOTS and learning happens that would be impossible without technology. All teachers have different levels of capacity for using technology in the classroom. Capacity exists on a spectrum, can be benchmarked, and can be improved.

20 Characteristics of Technological Learning Environment
Active Students use technology as a tool in routine classroom activities Collaborative Learning environment utilizes technology to collaborate in and outside the classroom. Constructive Students use technology to connect new information to prior knowledge Authentic Students use technology to gather real-world data. Goal Directed Students use technology to set their own goals and plan activities. Teachers can use a variety of approaches to create technology enriched learning environments for their students. Learning environments are characterized as: Technology infused pedagogies Multipurpose Applies to all subject areas Teachers must be aware of their learning environments and learn how to construct new ones through professional development interventions.

21 Technology Integration Matrix
Entry Adoption Adaption Infusion Transformation Active Collaborative Constructive Authentic Goal Directed Teachers must be profiled on a matrix of their ability as well as the context in which they are working.





26 PBL Assessment to NETS*S
ISTE NETS*A Customized Professional Development Modules Examples of Additional Programs: A VLE/LMS Communities of Practice Sustained Professional Development Peer Mentoring Personal Learning Networks Administration: B.Y.O.D. Administrative Level Assessment and Profiling Leads to the proper selection of teachers for this program: TIMs Feedback ISTE NETS*T Teachers Students Student Technology Leaders Program Assessment for 21st Century Skills: ISTE NETS*S Implementation Level PBL Assessment to NETS*S

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