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ENG 1D1 Wednesday April 29th, 2015

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Presentation on theme: "ENG 1D1 Wednesday April 29th, 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 ENG 1D1 Wednesday April 29th, 2015

2 Today’s Agenda Run-on sentences A bit about the ISU
Book Pass: ISU Novels Book Pass Review Essay Homework

3 Run-on Sentences

4 Run On Sentence Part 2 Complete the run on sentence worksheet provided with the person beside you quietly. Homework: Now that you are better at recognizing these sentence structure errors, go home and read through your essay for run on sentences and correct them. This is part of your revision and polishing process. Doing this can help improve your communication and thinking marks.

5 About the ISU During the next 5 weeks, you will be reading 1 of the following 6 AWESOME young adult novels independently.

6 More About the ISU Each week you will read and complete a journal response on one fifth (⅕) of your novel. There will be some class time to read; however, you will be expected to do the majority of the reading at home and keep up with the reading schedule.

7 Book Pass Move your desks into groups of 6. In this small group, you are going to do a book pass. You will have 10 minutes to read the opening pages of each novel to see if you enjoy the content, writing style, etc. Rate each book on your worksheet as you go along. You will NOT sit there and do nothing. Read until the beep! After 10 minutes, you will pass your book to the person on your right. Repeat the process until you have previewed each of the 6 ISU novels.

8 Book Pass Review Once you have previewed each ISU novel consider your results on the Book Pass Review Sheet very carefully. Write your first 3 choices on the top Hand it in with your full name on it. I will try my very best to give you one of these 3 choices tomorrow for your ISU novel :)

9 Homework: Last night you should have implemented the changes to your essay from your peer editors. Tonight, you will review your essay for run on sentences and formatting. By going through this process you will increase your grade significantly! These are both easy marks to lose, but through editing they are easy to fix! If you have not already done so, create your Turn It In account and add my class.

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