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Internal influences on marketing

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1 Internal influences on marketing
The role of marketing Internal influences on marketing

2 Internal influences on marketing activity
Businesses have to make decisions on things like whether to bring out new products, lower the prices of their products, offer to sell online or promote more. Their ability to do these things depends on certain factors from within the business, such as: How much is it going to cost? Has the business got the money to do it? Do the staff have the expertise to be able to do it? Is the size and the culture of the business able to support it?

3 Internal influences are those factors inside the business and include:
Business/corporate objectives – The marketing objectives are set to ensure the marketing department contributes towards achieving the overall corporate objectives. A business must have an integrated approach to marketing and therefore if a company has established a certain type of image, for example high quality products or ethics, then all actions which are guided by objectives must match the brand image established. Finance – The financial position of the business will determine what resources can be allocated to achieve the objectives. Objectives allow firms to establish their priorities and therefore where finances should be allocated. Human resources (HR) – The size, skills and motivation of the workforce will determine what marketing objectives can be achieved. The levels of training, customer service, decision-making and motivation of the workforce all impact their ability to achieve marketing objectives. Operational issues – A company must offer an integrated approach so if quality is a key brand feature than the marketing must focus on this and the product must match. The operation must ensure the company can deliver on promises, for example, internet sales, delivery times, stock quantities, etc. Type of product – What is the company known for? Does it have a unique selling point? Has it established a reputation for a particular type of product? Is it a necessity or a luxury? What are the industry standards or marketing and budgets?

4 Your task Create an A3 mindmap that details each of the internal influences on marketing. Cost/Finance Staff expertise/skills Business size Business culture Operations Type of product/service For each internal influence, you need to: Explain why it can impact a business’s marketing objectives Give relevant examples of businesses for each influence Give examples of the problems that can be caused by each influence

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